They call them the terrible twos for a reason. Toddlers are at an age where they don’t quite understand the world around them, but they certainly want to explore it. Because they lack a sense of limitations and boundaries, toddlers are known for getting into trouble now and then. But toddler discipline shouldn’t result in crushing their spirit or curiosity. Mom Trusted is here to offer parents and childcare workers alike tips on toddler discipline in an effort to teach little ones, not punish them.
Distract a tantrum thrower.
Distraction is a great technique for avoiding a toddler tantrum. If you see a screaming fit coming on, quickly engage the child in another interesting activity. Sing a song, read a book or play with a toy, really anything will work. You can also use this behavior if you catch your kid about to do something naughty, such as about to play with the stove.
Consistency is key.
Toddlers are still learning and aren’t trying to be deceitful, but genuinely don’t know right from wrong yet. Correcting the same wrong behavior every single time helps teach them.
Use bribery rarely.
No, bribing your children doesn’t make you a bad parent or teacher, but it is a technique that should hardly ever be used. Think about it this way, the rarity of this disciplinary tactic will only add to its power.
Don’t take it personally.
Acting out doesn’t mean kids don’t like you or that they’re bad children. They’re just exploring their boundaries.
Reward good behavior.
When a child does something correctly, let them know. Clap and smile. Positive reinforcement works better than any type of discipline.
-“Secrets to Toddler Discipline”
-“No Bad Kids: Toddler Discipline Without Shame (9 Guidelines)” Janet Lansbury:
-“8 Tools for Toddler Discipline” Ask Dr. Sears:
-Photo courtesy of arztsamui/
Potty training can be a frustrating and messy (trust us, we’ve been there too) process. But with a little bit of structure, guidelines and positive reinforcement, it doesn’t have to be a disaster. Here are some potty training tips from MomTrusted:
Follow the rule of 15.
When you have the time to keep a close eye on your toddler, ditch the diaper. Then let your little one go about their playtime and meals as usual, but plop them on the potty every 15 minutes. Gradually lengthen the time of the sessions until they’re all-day long.
Practice positive reinforcement.
Every time your child goes in the toilet, praise them. You can even keep a handful of a small treats (try M&Ms or stickers) in the house and give them a special reward every time they go in the right spot.
Let is all hang out.
Let your toddler run around the house naked or pants-less. This way, when they have to go, they don’t have the option of going in a diaper. That leaves the floor or the toilet. Odds are, they’ll choose the toilet.
Keep sitters and teachers in the loop.
Make sure that everyone who watches your child knows that they’re in the process of potty training. This way they can help remind them to go now and then and they’ll be extra prepared for potential accidents. If you’re rewarding at home, be sure to explain the process to your little one’s babysitter or teacher so that they can mimic what you’ve already begun. Consistency is key!
Provide a target.
For little boys, give them something to aim for. Throw some Cheerios or Fruit Loops in the toilet and make a game out of it.
Stay protected when training is not in session.
The easiest way to keep the process mess-free? Pop on the pull-ups when you’re not in the middle of a training spurt. And at nighttime, especially in the beginning.
-“How to Potty Train in a Week.”
-Photo courtesy of arztsamui/
Trust us, we know there’s a reason for the phrase, “the terrible twos.” But good disciplining can help tame the twos, making your life easier and teaching your little one important discipline skills for later in life. Here are some tips on the often-confusing practice of teaching good behavior:
Tell the truth.
Avoid lies at all costs. It may be tempting to tell what seems like a white lie (ie: “Don’t go past that fence because there’s a monster on the other side.”) But young kids are extremely prone to repeating anything and everything that comes out of your mouth. Imagine explaining to your neighbor why your little one thinks he or she is a monster. It’s better just to tell the truth.
Remain consistent.
It holds true for everything from naps to snack time: toddlers do best with routine and order. It makes them feel safe, secure and helps them learn faster. If your child does something they shouldn’t, remind them not to and continue to do so each time they do afterward-even if you’re tired and it would be easier just to let them get away with it. Remember, “just this one time” is not a concept that toddlers easily grasp.
A little bribing never hurt anyone.
A lot of parents advise against bribing and it’s true that too much bribing can lead to spoiling, but there’s no harm in having a couple good bribes up your sleeve. Just remember that reinforcing good behavior is always better than discouraging bad so keep things positive. For example, instead of saying “If you stop that, I’ll give you a piece of candy,” say “We’ll go to the park after we go to the grocery store.”
Follow your own rules.
It’s a lot easier to say, “We only eat in the kitchen” than it is to say “You only eat in the kitchen, but mom can eat in front of the TV sometimes.” Set an example by following your own rules.
Avoid the need to discipline in the first place.
You know what gets your toddler worked up so avoid those stressful situations whenever possible. Make sure you don’t miss a nap or meal. Generally speaking, the less crabby toddlers are, the better they listen.
-“7 Secrets of Toddler Discipline.” WebMD
-“8 Discipline Mistakes Parents Make.”
-Photo courtesy of David Castillo Dominici/
Less than 10% of preschoolers have daily tantrums. But daily outbursts or extreme ones, where they last an unusually long time or harm others, can be a sign of mental illness, according to a study at the University of Connecticut Health Center. Researchers at the University of Connecticut Health Center surveyed parents of 1,500 preschoolers to compare tantrums types and levels. Here’s how they compare:
Grab some empty spray or water bottles. Fill each with water and a few drops of food coloring then head out into the fluffy stuff. Let your toddler spray the snow, making rainbow pictures. But remember that food coloring stains so get down their old, tattered jacket from the attic for this activity.
2. Pick up pinecones
And pine tree branches and any other wintery craft supplies. Then, head home to sip coco and make wreathes or table centerpieces with them.
3. Build a snowman
Keep it classic. Snowmen never go out of style. Recreate your whole family and have a frozen flock of them in your front yard. Let your little one create the faces with buttons, carrots, candy or anything else you have lying around the house.
4. Roll around in the snow
Snow’s best quality is its fluffiness. Let your kiddo run wild and rejoice in the fact that the soft snow will work as a cushion and eliminate any bumps, bruises and scrapes that rough housing would usually result in.
5. Tracking
If you live in the suburbs or a more remote area, try tracking. Your little ones will be fascinated by the different marks of birds, bunnies and deer. Plus, this is a great learning activity to spark interest in basic science.
6. Snow Sketching
Think of your backyard as a giant sketchpad. Show your tot how to use their creativity to traces pictures in the snow. Then, use your whole body to add to the pictures. There’s nothing like a classic snow angel.
7. Blow bubbles
Take bubbles into below freezing temperatures and see if they freeze.
8. Footprint Tag
This game is for kids on the older end. The person who’s “It” isn’t allowed to make footprints of their own. They can only follow in other people’s tracks. This simple game is fun and a great way to even the playing field between older and younger children.
9. Sledding
When in doubt, stick to the basics. Sledding never gets old.
10. Snow Castles
Imagine your own tropical vacation by pretending the snow if sand. Take a break from building snowmen and build a snow castle instead. Scoop the snow into buckets, pack it tight and flip it over to make towers or bricks for the castle. Grab some of the leftover snow paint from activity #1 and add a splash of color to the castle.
-Lindermans, Candace. “Snow Day! 10 activities for toddlers.” January 10, 2010.
-Wilson, Laura. “Winter Snow Activities for Toddlers.”
-Levine, Joni. “Let it Snow!”
-Brown, Stephanie. “Readers Respond: Fun Activities for Snowy Days.”
-Photo courtesy of Tina Phillips/
When the wind blows and temperatures drop below far freezing, forget snowmen and snow angels. You have no choice but to stay inside, even if you have a toddler. Here are a few activities to help keep both of you sane, without zoning out in front of the TV:
Go on a scavenger hunt.
Create a scavenger hunt inside your home. Hide toys that your little one is familiar with- favorite blankets, stuffed animals and trucks. Then set your little one lose to find his or her prized possessions in goofy spots.
Build a fort.
Nothing beats an old fashioned fort. Construct a castle out of cushions, pillows and blankets. The best part? Let your little one destroy his masterpiece.
Paint faces.
Lock the two of you in the bathroom and play face paint. Before you know it, both of you will be covered in tribal war paint, but never fear, the tub is just a couple steps away.
Make homemade playdough.
Spend some time concocting homemade playdough together and then playing with it. Here’s a simple recipe:
-Mix 1 cup of water, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, ½ cup of salt, 1 tablespoon of cream of tartar, food coloring.
-Heat the ingredients in a saucepan until warm.
-Take the mixture away from the heat and add 1 cup of flour.
-Simply stir and kneed until you have a smooth, thick texture.
-When you’re done playing with it, throw the playdough into the fridge in an airtight bag.
Buy some shower paint.
Let your little one paint rainbows all over the shower walls. Sure, it’s a bit messy, but it guaranteed easy clean up for both your toddler and your shower.
-“Boredom Beaters.”
-“Homemade playdough recipe.” Family Education
-Photo courtesy of imagerymajestic/