Archive: Preschools

Do Early Preschool Programs Start Kids Too Young?

How early is too early to start your child in a school-based program? Can a two-year-old really gain anything from an early learning program? Are these programs really just daycares in disguise? These are all questions that may run through your mind when considering if you should enroll your child in an early preschool program, sometimes referred to as “Two’s programs.”


Don’t worry! Enrolling your two-year-old in an early learning program is neither too strict nor silly. Some benefits of early childhood education include:

-Improved social skills

-Practice interacting with adults

-Early intervention and the opportunity to spot any developmental delays


Here are some tips on what to look for if you decide to enroll your child in an early preschool program:

-Read reviews to get an idea of what’s available

-Visit the school to get a feel for the early program.

-Meet with the teacher and ask them about experience, background, and daily activities.

-Look for smaller group sizes. This is important, especially for little ones just starting out who aren’t used to learning in big group settings yet.

-Make sure the program offers plenty of communication through conferences, phone calls and any other form. This is an opportunity to learn about your child’s strengths, weaknesses and interests.



-“What are the Benefits of Early Childhood Education?” LiveStrong

-“Early Preschool: Too Young for School?”

-Photo courtesy of Stuart Miles/

It starts early

A great infographic pointing out how critical early education is in a child’s development. Today, there is not enough focus on these important years. The good news is there are a ton of simple activities and ways parents and educators can help build a child’s foundation.

Special Needs Preschools in Brooklyn New York

We’ve been getting requests for resources on special need preschools, so I would like to start compiling lists to make it easier for parents.  You may also go directly to MomTrusted.comto search for special needs preschools in your area. Just enter your zip code, then select the special needs and preschool checkboxes on the map page.

Here’s the preschool list for Brooklyn. Click on the Preschool Name to learn more about them.

The Child Study Center of New York– 167-171 Clermont Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11205

The Children’s Center For Early Learning– 83 Marlborough Road, Brooklyn, NY 11226

The Guild For Exceptional Children– 1273 57 Street, Brooklyn, NY 11219

Yaled V’ Yalda Early Childhood Center– 563 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11211

Yelad V’ Yalda Head Start– 600 Mcdonald Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11218

Yeled V’ Yalda Early Head Start– 1263 38th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11218

Yeled V’ Yalda Early Childhood– 6012 Farragut Road, Brooklyn, NY 11236

Yeled V’ Yalda Early Childhood Center– 2166 Coney Island Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11223

Yeled V’ Yalda Gan Ysroel Head Start– 3909 15 Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11218

Yeled V’ Yalda Head Start– 1353 50 Street, Brooklyn, NY 11219

Yeled V’ Yalda Head Start– 4206 15 Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11219

Yeled V’ Yalda Head Start– 6002 Farragut Road, Brooklyn, NY 11236

Yeled V’ Yalda Head Start– 1601 42nd Street, Brooklyn, NY 11204

Yeled V’ Yalda Early Childhood Center– 204 Keap Street, Brooklyn, NY 11211

Yeled V’ Yalda Early Childhood Center– 407 East 53 Street, Brooklyn, NY 11203

Yeled V’ Yalda Early Childhood Center– 5110 18 Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11204

Yeled V’ Yalda Early Head Start– 6012 Farragut Road, Brooklyn, NY 11236

Yeled V’ Yalda Head Start– 12 Franklin Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11211

Yeled V’ Yalda Head Start– 667 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11213

Kings Bay YM-YWHA– 3495 Nostrand Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11229

Kingsbay Y Afterschool Annex– 3043 Avenue W 1st Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11229

A.M.A. Family Daycare– 350 East 9th st., Brooklyn, NY 11218


Child Care Centers for all of Texas NOW AVAILABLE!

Attention Texas Parents:

We now have licensed child care centers in Texas on!

Now find child care in Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Austin, El Paso, Fort Worth, Arlington, Corpus Christi, Plano, Garland, and ALL locations in Texas on now!

Separation Anxiety: 8 Tips to help your child’s transition

Finding childcare and/or preschool that fits your needs is a relief. That relief, however, is generally short lived as it quickly comes time to take your child for the first time. More accurately, it comes time to say goodbye to your child for the first time. This emotionally volatile, stomach-turning moment is some painful for everyone involved. Many preschool teachers and childcare providers would probably argue that the children are more resilient than their parents… so here are a few tips that will help you manage the separation anxiety on both sides and make those first couple of weeks less stressful.

1. Prepare your child. Start talking to your child several weeks out about the changes that will take place. In language they can understand and make their own, talk through what the new day will look like.

2. Create excitement. As you talk to her, talk about the exciting things she will get to do in her new classroom or with her new friends.

3. Acknowledge it may be scary or sad. Be upbeat but don’t sugar coat the experience. Let him know he may be sad or get a bit scared and that is okay. Talk to him about what he can do if he feels like this. For younger children this is hard but it helps to focus on soothing activities or objects that will help him adjust.

4. Establish a routine. This is incredibly important. Children need structure and predictability especially in the face of change. Develop your own separation routine with your child. Let them help create the routine, making it theirs. It might be three hugs and 4 kisses. Or, it may be a story then waving goodbye from the window. Whatever it is, create it and stick to it.

5. Plan to stick around. The first week is usually the hardest. Schedule accordingly. Help your child ease into their new environment with you around as a safety net. Encourage him to explore more independently, gradually becoming more confident. This will help as you shorten your ‘drop off’ time

6. Find a goodbye buddy. Every preschool or childcare is different but if possible make a separation buddy. Talk with the teachers/staff members and determine what will work best for your schedule and who your child is naturally bonding with. Ideally, this will be part of your routine giving your child a sense of stability and security as you depart.

7. NEVER sneak away. While it may be tempting to slip away quietly while she is engaged in her new surroundings, you are only fanning any anxiety she may have. Mommy or Daddy disappearing is not a concept you want her to try to make sense of. Again, create your routine and stick to it.

8. Show interest in their day. Give your child a fun and open way to show you the things they did while you were away. This helps them know even though you are not their you still care and are thinking about them. It also makes finishing the day exciting and fun for them.

The Value of Early Education

The value and importance of early education and care is too often misunderstood, overlooked, or even dismissed. Whether empirically or instinctively, those who have spent time in early education and care know how formative these years really are. We understand it is not simply finger paints, wooden shapes, and sand boxes; it is the foundation for that a child’s development – physically, emotionally, socially, and intellectually.

A recent editorial in the Detroit Free Press again highlighted the importance of early education and care for the individual child AND for the prosperity of a City and State. I’ve observed it is much harder to make big structural changes in good times. It’s easier for people, companies, governments to maintain the status quo when things are good. It isn’t until the proverbial $#*& hits the fan that change becomes a welcome guest at the party. It’s hard to argue that there is a city that has faced greater challenges than Detroit’s recent struggles.

Much has been written about potential solutions to the City’s woes but this editorial in particular caught my attention because (disclosure – I am admittedly a big proponent of early care & education) of their direct correlation between Michigan’s financial stability and success and an investment in early education and care. And, my hope that Michigan may be the perfect storm of circumstances that enables the case for making early education and care a fundamental building block of any solution may finally reach receptive ears. Noting that a lack of quality early care and education leads to 11% of Michigan kindergartners repeating the grade and costs the state $100M annually, must open at least one pair of ears.

I get that the choice to devote funds to education and more specifically early education is a challenging one for politicians and legislators. Many of the pay offs are over the long haul and most politicians, by the time this investment pays dividends, their political career has long been over. But, 1- there are real dollars at stake and, 2- at some point (and I hope now is that point) you have to change what you put in to get something different back out. Yes, there will always be more immediate gains to be had, but the research has repeatedly shown that the return on investment in early education and care is a multiple of those immediate gains.

I truly hope there is a great test case very soon that other states will rally around. It may be Michigan, it may not, but Band Aids will not fix what is broken. We need a systemic change. As parents, however, we can’t rely on others to solve the problem. We have to be smarter parents…understand what’s important in the early years and what quality early care and education really means. Most importantly, we can’t only outsource our children’s development. There are tons of great teachers and care providers across the country, but the most influential and important person in your child’s early development is you!

Child Care Centers for all of California NOW AVAILABLE!

Attention California Parents:

We now have licensed child care centers in California on!

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and California Child Care, California InHome Centers, California Preschools, California Nannies, and California Babysitters…… for ALL locations in the state!

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