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Do Early Preschool Programs Start Kids Too Young?

How early is too early to start your child in a school-based program? Can a two-year-old really gain anything from an early learning program? Are these programs really just daycares in disguise? These are all questions that may run through your mind when considering if you should enroll your child in an early preschool program, sometimes referred to as “Two’s programs.”


Don’t worry! Enrolling your two-year-old in an early learning program is neither too strict nor silly. Some benefits of early childhood education include:

-Improved social skills

-Practice interacting with adults

-Early intervention and the opportunity to spot any developmental delays


Here are some tips on what to look for if you decide to enroll your child in an early preschool program:

-Read reviews to get an idea of what’s available

-Visit the school to get a feel for the early program.

-Meet with the teacher and ask them about experience, background, and daily activities.

-Look for smaller group sizes. This is important, especially for little ones just starting out who aren’t used to learning in big group settings yet.

-Make sure the program offers plenty of communication through conferences, phone calls and any other form. This is an opportunity to learn about your child’s strengths, weaknesses and interests.



-“What are the Benefits of Early Childhood Education?” LiveStrong

-“Early Preschool: Too Young for School?”

-Photo courtesy of Stuart Miles/

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