Archive: prepping for preschool

5 Ways You’re Probably Already Prepping Your Child for Preschool Castillo DominiciIt’s never too early to start preparing your little one for the big transition into preschool. It’s important to stimulate their minds so that they’re ready to jump in and start their schooling. You’re probably already prepping your child, even if you didn’t realize it.


Play outside.

Exploring the outdoors not only creates adventure, but it’s your child’s first science class. Digging in dirt, feeding birds and rolling around in the grass sparks his or her interest in the natural world. Think of it as a basic bio lab.


Read a bedtime story.

There’s no better way to promote literacy than reading out loud to your child. Try choosing two bedtime books. That way, one can be an old favorite that they’ve probably memorized, but the other can be a new story with unfamiliar, stimulating sentences.


Set play dates.

Play dates are socializing practice for the real world. In preschool, your child will be surrounded by other little ones. He or she will have to play, share, take turns and interact with their classmates so learning these skills in a more one-on-one environment is a great start.


Play dress-up.

Running around in a pretend princess dress isn’t just a good time. It’s helping shape your toddler’s thought process. Playing pretend is your child’s first attempt at abstract thinking.


Finger paint.

Or draw. Or color. Or use watercolors. Art allows for expression, creativity and color recognition. And who knows, maybe you’re painting with the next Picasso.



Fliess, Sue. “How Playing Dress-Up Shapes Your Child.” <>

Rabkin, Rachel. “Prepare Your Toddler for Preschool.” <>

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