Archive: frozen blue berry poppers

5 Finger Foods for Picky Eaters


Little ones can make meal times tough. Many children hit a phase where they refuse to eat what we put in front of them unless it’s a certain color, is one of two food items or contains 75% sugar. Sometimes there’s no rhyme or reason for these dietary decisions, but as parents, we know that they simply can’t continue. Growing kiddos need the right nutrients in order to stay healthy and strong. Check out these ideas for healthy finger foods that your picky eater will love:

Sweet potato chips

Cut a sweet potato or two into thin slices and place on a baking sheet. Drizzle the slices with olive oil and a tiny bit of salt. Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until golden brown and crispy.

Health benefits: Sweet potatoes are high in vitamins A, C and D, meaning they play a role in healthy teeth, bones, skin and a healthy immune system.

Frozen blueberries

Frozen blueberries are a fruity, tasty treat. Simply stick a bunch of them in the freezer or pick up some already frozen ones from the grocery store. Give them to your little one as a snack or first thing in the morning. To them, it’s like having ice cream for breakfast!

Heath benefits: Blueberries boost memory, key for those just starting out in their academic careers. They’re also high in fiber.

String cheese

String cheese is a fast, easy option that’s especially great for those who don’t get enough milk. Bonus: string cheese is easy to pack and an excellent grab-and-go food. Pick up skim versions if you’re worried about high fat content.

Health benefits: Cheese is a source of dairy for healthy bones, nails and teeth.

Hardboiled eggs

Hardboiled eggs are quick to make. Plus, they’re really inexpensive. Their unique texture may be enough to intrigue picky eaters, enticing them to eat this fun finger food.

Health benefits: Eggs are high in protein, B12 and iron, which is especially beneficial because the American Academy of Pediatrics says that 15% of children under three years old don’t get enough iron.

Grain-dusted strawberries

Chop up a few cups of strawberries and dust them with ground Cheereos. You can also do this with peaches, bananas, avocadoes or even tofu.

Health benefits: This tasty snack combines the health benefits of fruit and whole grain, incorporating nutrients like fiber, Vitamin C and potassium.


Martha Steward

-“9 Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes.” Care 2 make a difference.

-Galland, Leo. “Surprising Benefits of Blueberries.” Huffington Post.

-Jacobsen, Maryann. “10 of the Best Finger Foods for Toddlers.” Raise Healthy Eaters.

-Giorgio, Katie. “Finger Foods for Toddlers.” Baby Zone

-Photo courtesy of David Castillo Dominici/

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