Looking for fun Fourth of July activities for kids? Look no farther. Mom Trusted knows that, while ooing and ahhing at fireworks is a blast, you’ve got a whole day to fill before hand. We’re here to help you plan your day. That’s why we’ve put together this creativity-packed list of fun Fourth of July activities for kids:
Giant Tic-Tac-Toe
Buy a painter’s drop cloth and use red or blue colored duct-tape to create a tic-tac-toe board on it. Then, either make or buy red and blue colored beanbag sacks. Make by sewing three sides of two 5-inch by 5-inch pieces of fabric. Then fill with uncooked beans and sew up the final edge. Kids can spend all afternoon playing their new, life-sized tic-tac-toe game.
Finger paint a flag
Invest in a giant piece of white poster board. Then, set up camp outside with some red and blue finger paint. Have your children craft their own version of the American flag. Creative and patriotic!
Have a watermelon-spitting contest
Kids are always fans of this summertime game. Buy a couple big watermelons with plenty of big, black seeds. Then take turns seeing who can spit them the farthest. Little ones aren’t usually encouraged to spit out their food so this game is a fun way to break the rules a bit.
Get out the glow sticks
Leave the dangerous fireworks to the adults. Remember, even sparklers can burn little fingers. Instead, break out the glow sticks when the sun goes down. Purchase packs of bracelets, necklaces and wands in a wide variety of colors. Snap them to get them glowing and let the kids go wild.
-“Go for the Glory” Parents.com: http://www.parents.com/parents-magazine/tic-tac-toe-toss/
-“July Fourth Extravaganza” Parents.com: http://www.parents.com/parents-magazine/pin-to-win-july-fourth-extravaganza/#page=1
-“Fourth of July Kids’ Activities” Martha Stewart: http://www.marthastewart.com/359178/fourth-july-kids-activities
-Photo courtesy of bulldogza/freedigitalphotos.net