When your baby hits four months, they’ll begin to go through all sorts of physical and mental growth. From new movements to name recognition, you’ll be amazed at the baby development that your little one goes through in a few short months. MomTrusted has summarized a few exciting milestones to keep an eye out for:
Physical developments
Babies will develop remarkably in physical ways during this stage of growth. Some typical physical developments include:
-The ability to roll right to left
-Some may even develop the ability to roll over to their stomachs
-Color vision
-Clearer vision in general
-Sitting with support and possible on his or her own
-The ability to put support on his or her legs
-Grabbing and transferring with alternating hands
-Raking, or pulling items closer
Mental developments
In addition to going through some big physical changes during these three months, babies will also have tons of new information shaping their minds. Here are some of the cognitive developments that you can expect:
-Spotting covered, “hidden” objects
-Starting to understand and respond to words like “no” and his or her name
-Can keep an eye on moving objects
-Beginning to recognize emotion in voices
-Responding to sounds with his or her own baby noises
Social, language and emotional developments
Finally, between four and seven months, babies will begin to grow socially and emotionally, starting with very small, but powerful signs including:
-Babies’ language skills will increase through babbling consonants.
-He or she will begin to interact with you or others through the form of play.
-Babies start to see, recognize and enjoy their own reflections.
-Not only will babies begin to recognize emotion through voice, but they’ll respond to others’ emotions, often by imitating them.
-“Growth and Development Milestones: 4-7 months” parents.com
-“Infant Development: Milestones 4 to 6 Months” Mayo Clinic
-Photo courtesy of magerymajestic/freedigitalphotos.net
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