Archive: mom check lists

Checklist Mom App Rescues Busy Moms (Plus a Bonus Q&A!)

“It all started with a poopy diaper…” isn’t the beginning of most fairy tales. But for Checklist Mom, that was where it all began. The creator of Checklist Mom headed out to the park with her 6-week-old Cleo and all of the necessary supplies, or so she thought. When a dirty diaper appeared without a clean one in sight, Cleo’s mom decided that she’d have to start making master checklists to make sure that disaster like that never struck again.


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So she started creating checklists for baby Cleo, just like she did with every other part of her life. The checklists weren’t only handy for Mom though. She shared them with babysitters and her husband. They were so helpful that it became clear that digital versions of the list would make everything a lot easier. That’s when, after expanding upon the successful Baby Pack & Go, the Checklist Mom app was born.

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The Checklist Mom allows moms across the country to “forget nothing and accomplish everything.”  The app helps moms juggle their crazy lives of working, being a mom and being a wife. It comes with already created checklists, built in calendars, reminders and customizable options for everything. From grocery shopping to travel, fitness to lists for your babysitter, it’s all there. The Checklist Mom helps moms juggle the multiple roles they plan on a daily basis with ease and organization.


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The app comes with 20 checklists that are already made. But if that’s not enough, it’s simple to create your own and check off your customized options as you accomplish them. Right now, it’s available for iPhones, iPads and iTouches. It’s never been easier to stay organized.

With Checklist Mom, moms really can forget nothing and accomplish everything.

Download your FREE mom checklist app in itunes today!


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We talked with the brains behind Checklist Mom to find out about the journey and future of one of our new favorite apps:


MomTrusted:  Could you tell us about the journey from idea to app creation?

Checklist Mom: Creating my app is really a story of necessity being the mother of invention. As a new mother, I found myself often forgetting some of the most basic items I needed for my daughter when we went out for a play date….like….diapers. Not one you want to forget. I needed something I could depend to help me stay organized. From there, I decided to build an app for me and people liked it so much, I made it available to everyone…


MT: Can you tell us a little about who uses the Checklist Mom app?

CLM: We launched our Checklist Mom app 6 weeks ago and over 10,000 moms have had the pleasure to use our free app on a daily basis.


MT: What are the future plans for the Checklist Mom?

CLM: We are giving moms and their families more tools to become even more efficient. We are adding new list templates, such as, romance tips, top family vacations, home budgeting necessities and more. We will continue our focus on technology and organization to bring you the most innovative mobile app, products and services available.

Download your FREE mom checklist app in itunes today!

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