Archive: cuts in head start

Head Start Program Saw Big Budget Cuts

This fall, 57,000 children in need of preschool through the Head Start program will be out of luck. This year, Head Start program saw big budget cuts, in fact, the biggest the program has seen in history.


The White House said the lack of funding is due to spending cuts, resulting from the sequestration. Head Start has been around since the mid-1960s and this is by far the largest cut it’s ever seen. Many worry that this dramatic loss of funding will hurt the ones who need help the most: low-income families struggling to afford preschool. In 2012, Head Start served over one million families, but now, nearly 60,000 less will be included this school year.


Kids aren’t the only ones who will suffer from the cuts. Around 18,000 Head Start employees will lose their jobs due to the lack of funding. The grand total of funding loss sits at a heavy $400 million. Cuts are expected to take place by the end of September.


The good news? Those looking for affordable childcare and preschool programs in their area have come to the right spot. At Mom Trusted, we’re always sad to hear about less funding for great programs like Head Start, but we’re still here to help parents in need find the best possible match for their families. Visit to start your search now!



-“Head Start hit with worst cuts in its history” USA Today:

-“57,000 fewer children will be in the Head Start program because of spending cuts, the White House says” NY Daily News:

-“Head Start budget cuts cost kids, jobs” LA Daily News:

-Photo courtesy of David Castillo Dominici/

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